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Bachelor of Science in Social Work



Social work program shall be the center of excellence for lifelong learning in social work profession and human services through creation of learning environment that value diversity, creativity, and support for all learners.


The mission of the department is to prepare competent, ethical, and compassionate learners who possess the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills necessary for professional human services.





The social work department will strive to provide local and global competitive professionals who deliver services with utmost excellence, commitment and compassion though a well-prepared curriculum with theoretical knowledge and practical training that adequately immerse students to develop their skills, attitudes and values toward service-oriented with exemplary leadership of this profession.

  • Apply their knowledge and skills to improve the quality of human life, to contribute to national and local development, and to respond effectively and efficiently to life changing needs and dynamic societal conditions;
  • Practice their career and technical skills with integrity, moral values and professionalism and advances the frontiers of knowledge though scientific research for human and social development.
  • Address and challenge barriers, inequalities and injustices that exist in society
  • Form short and long-term working relationships with and mobilise individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities to enhance their well-being and their problem-solving capacities.
  • Assist and educate people to obtain services and resources in their communities
  • Formulate and implement policies and programmes that enhance people’s well-being, promote development and human rights, and promote collective social harmony and social stability, insofar as such stability does not violate human rights.
  • Encourage people to engage in advocacy with regard to pertinent local, national, regional and/or international concerns
  • Act with and/or for people to advocate changes in those policies and structural conditions that maintain people in marginalized, dispossessed and vulnerable positions, and those that infringe the collective social harmony and stability of various ethnic groups, insofar as such stability does not violate human rights
  • Work towards the protection of people who are not in a position to do so themselves, for example children and youth in need of care and persons experiencing mental illness or mental retardation, within the parameters of accepted and ethically sound legislation.

  • Engage in social and political action to impact social policy and economic development, and to effect change by critiquing and eliminating inequalities
  • Enhance stable, harmonious and mutually respectful societies that do not violate people’s human rights
  • Promote respect for traditions, cultures, ideologies, beliefs and religious amongst different ethnic groups and societies, insofar as these do not conflict with the fundamental human rights of people
  • Plan, organize, administer and manage programmes and organization dedicated to any of the purposes delineated above

  • Specific Profession/Careers/ of the Graduates

    1. Social work graduates work in the private, public or business sectors, addressing social needs, issues and concerns of various sectors such as children, youth in conflict with the law, peasants, workers, women, urban poor, migrants, indigenous peoples and others.

    2. Among the social work fields of practice are child, youth and family welfare, health and rehabilitation, mental health, corrections and justices (e.g., courts, community diversion and prevention programs for children/youth in conflict with the law), gerontology, disaster response and management, occupational health and safety, forensic social work, community development, human resource development, education, and international social welfare

    Specific Occupation of the Graduates

    1. Case manager
    2. Groupworker
    3. Social work counsellor
    4. Community Orgnaizer
    5. Research in social welfare agencies
    6. Policy/legislative advocacy officer
    7. Social welfare and development officer in LGU
    8. Social agency manager
    9. Officer for program/project development and management
    10. Trainor
    11. Teacher
    12. Social worker with specific client populations with special needs and in special circumstances (e.g. the elderly, people with disabilities, people living with HIV-AIDS, youth in conflict with the law, alcohol and substance abusers, survivor of human rights violations as well as sexual and physical abuse)
    13. International social worker, i.e., professional practice in regional and international settings, e.g., consortia with UN agencies and other humanitarian endeavours to address migration and refugee issues, international trafficking, ecological issues; defense of people’s rights; immediate and long-term responses to humanitarian crisis situations.


    The Social Work Program has designed a curriculum to train students in different social welfare activities for the conservation, protection and improvement of life. It also focuses on human relations skills to prepare students for generic/ holistic social work practice so that they can respond to the challenges of the profession.

    1. Understand the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in engaging in a generalist helping process and planned change process for therapeutic, protective, preventive, and transformative purposes.
    2. Analyse critically the historical orgin, development, and purpose of social work in the Philippines
    3. Evaluate the impacts of global and national socio-cultural inadequacies, discrimination, and oppression on quality of life
    4. Demonstrate knowledge on HBSE, SWPP, Social Work methods and Field Instruction with emphasis on the person-in-situation dynamic for social work assessment and intervention
    5. Assess the social welfare policies, programs, and services of the locality, country and/or region in terms of relevance, responsive, accessibility and availability to target populations
    6. Participate in advocacy work to promote socio-economic and cultural rights and well-being
    7. Produce resource map for networking and partnership development in delivery of services
    8. Understand the basic principles and theories in social work and apply critical thinking skills in the context of the social work practice
    9. Participate in social work practices that promote diversity and difference in client systems
    10. Apply supervision method to develop critical self-reflective practice for personal and professional growth
    11. Produce a portfolio of recordings, social case studies report and other social work documentation to reflect the quality and progress of practice
    12. Appreciate the social work values in the practice of the profession through dedication and commitment as agent of change
    13. Apply theoretical frameworks supported by empirical evidence to understand individual development and behavior from micro to macro perspective

    View Curriculum (2020-2021) (PDF)



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      Zone 2, Poblacion, 9017, EL Salvador City, MisOr, Philippines

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